Heart of Marriage<br />
Bob & Audrey Meisner
By Robert Riesmeyer, Founder of Travel Unrivaled

Unveiling the Heart of Marriage:

A Deep Dive with Bob and Audrey Meisner of Love Married Life

In the tapestry of life, few threads are as vibrant yet as tested as the bonds of marriage. It’s a journey that demands resilience, understanding, and an unyielding dedication to growth and love. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to a couple who have not only navigated their own turbulent waters but have also turned their experiences into a lifeline for others: Bob and Audrey Meisner, the founders of Love Married Life. Their mission is simple yet profound—help couples worldwide to rekindle their love and build lasting bonds. Bob, Audrey, thank you for joining us today. Could you start by telling us about the origin of Love Married Life?


Absolutely, and thank you for having us. First of all, we have both always loved the dream of loving a married life, and being truly best friends.  So, when we met and fell in love, it didn’t take long to recognize our shared values.  We can remember being 18 and 20 years old, deciding to get married and thinking, we want to change the world together!  That was 40 years ago.


What we didn’t expect or plan, is when our life got derailed 17 years into our marriage.  We hear about others having a crisis, but we didn’t think this would be us. I became friends with a young guy we were helping, and began spending too much time with him.  A friendship developed that turned into a secret affair, something that completely contradicted everything I believed in, and it lasted a few weeks.  After coming clean to Bob, we faced immense turmoil, especially when we learned I was pregnant from the affair.


That sounds incredibly challenging. How did you move forward from such a difficult period?


Of course, the pain was indescribable.  And our pain was very different from each other.  Audrey is pregnant and reeling with shame, and I was faced with the challenge of whether I would be able to love this baby as my own.  This crisis threw us into a choice of whether we are going to let this destroy us, or would we get to the bottom of our cracked foundation and get the restoration we needed to keep our family together.     When our son was born, I gave him my name, Robert, as a step toward healing. We made a commitment to not let our pain go to waste. We dove deep into understanding ourselves and relationships, which eventually led us to earn our Doctorates in Ministry.


Our healing journey turned into our mission. We realized that if we could find a path back to love and trust, we could guide others through their difficulties. That’s how Love Married Life was born. We wanted to provide tools and strategies to help couples connect deeply and navigate their relationships with compassion and effective communication.


Your work emphasizes not just recovery from crisis but fostering ongoing growth and connection. What are some core elements of your approach?


We focus on real-life strategies infused with love, rather than quick fixes. We believe in the transformative power of being heard and understood within a relationship.


And we include God’s love as a central element in our counseling. Many of our strategies are about opening up to this love and allowing it to guide the way couples interact with each other.


It sounds like witnessing the impact of your work is very rewarding.


Absolutely. One of our favorite experiences is seeing a couple fall back in love. Just last week, we worked with a couple who had been separated for two years. After a three-day intensive session, they started understanding each other’s unintentional hurts and pressures. They’re now looking forward to celebrating their 25th anniversary together.


That must be incredibly fulfilling. Any final thoughts you’d like to share with our readers?


We are just so grateful to be able to do this work. If you’re struggling in your relationship, remember, it’s never too late to make a change. Love is resilient, and so are you.


Thank you for letting us share our story. To everyone reading, we hope you find the courage to pursue healing and deeper connections in your own lives.


Bob, Audrey, thank you both so much for sharing your insights and your inspiring journey with us. Your dedication to helping others rediscover love is truly admirable.


Bob and Audrey Meisner’s story is a poignant reminder that love, even in its most tested moments, holds a transformative power. Their journey from personal turmoil to a shared mission of helping others is not just inspiring—it’s a testament to the resilience and capacity for renewal that lies within all of us. Through Love Married Life, they have turned their deepest challenges into opportunities to foster stronger bonds and deeper understanding among couples. Their work is more than a ministry; it’s a beacon of hope for those seeking to reclaim and enrich their relationships. As we reflect on their profound insights and heartfelt dedication, let us be inspired to nurture our own connections, face challenges with courage, and above all, believe in the enduring power of love.

Bob and Audrey would love to extend a personal invitation for their Love Married Life Retreat next January 11 to 18, 2025 at Couples Tower Isle in Ocho Rios, Jamaica.